Examples /
Hello World
Make your bot say Hello, World!
Every documentations and tutorials usually starts with a "Hello, World" program. You can make your bot say "Hello, World" to the user with very few lines of code using grammY.
First, let's import the main `Bot` class from grammY.
import { Bot } from "https://deno.land/x/grammy@v1.11.0/mod.ts";
Now create an instance of the bot using your Bot Token.
const bot = new Bot("BOT_TOKEN");
We need the bot to reply "Hello, World!" to any incoming message. To achieve this, we have to register a message handler to the bot. You can listen for any type of messages using the "message" filter query.
bot.on("message", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello, World!"));
The method `reply` is used for replying to that incoming message.
Finally, to make this cool Hello World bot online, lets start it.
Thats it! You have created a "Hello, World" bot in just 4 lines of code! Now try sending messages to your bot. You can change the "Hello, World" to anything that you like the bot to say.
Run this example locally using the Deno CLI:
deno run --allow-net https://yex.deno.dev/hello-world.ts
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