Examples /

Inline Keyboards

Attach buttons to messages.

Inline keyboards are sets of buttons that are displayed underneath messages. grammY has a simple and intuitive way to build up the inline keyboards that your bot can send along with a message.

Lets setup the bot as we seen in the Hello World example.
import { Bot, InlineKeyboard } from "https://deno.land/x/grammy@v1.11.0/mod.ts";
const bot = new Bot("BOT_TOKEN");
Construct a keyboard.
const inlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboard().text("click", "click-payload");
You can also add link buttons.
inlineKeyboard.url("grammY docs", "https://grammy.dev");
Send a keyboard along with a message.
bot.command("start", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.reply("Curious? Click me!", { reply_markup: inlineKeyboard });
Wait for click events with specific callback data.
bot.callbackQuery("click-payload", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.answerCallbackQuery("You were curious, indeed!");

Run this example locally using the Deno CLI:

deno run --allow-net https://yex.deno.dev/inline-keyboards.ts

Additional resources:

Message Formatting